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republican south carolina primary

This tag is associated with 1 posts

Obamacare:The decision that should not have been made. Supreme Court violates Federal Law.

The supreme court proved it is a political court again with today’s decision.  No majority was reached on the commerce clause issue. Therefore no decision should have been made. The court debated this. In the instance of a tax, you can not go to court about the tax until you pay it. This is Federal […]

Gingrich takes SC. We predicted it. What next.

With the benefit of polling data found by a google search, this publication sniffed out and correctly predicted the Gingrich rise. But what does it really mean? Probably another avalanche of negative ads by the best funded candidate, Mitt Romney. However his blizzard of late ads could not stop Gingrich who took a pitch and […]

Conversvatives must consolidate to win.

Free political advice from a moderate Obama supporter. Why, because I own a web server and know how publish a wordpress blog. If conservatives want a republican candidate they know its not Mitt Romney. Voters can change their mind, politicians are suspect. Romney has changed his mind on abortion rights and a host of other […]
